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JB Woodcrafts in the Press – My First Pod Cast

Greenwood woodworking is a fascinating journey into the world of traditional craftsmanship. I was thrilled when Paul and Josh from JCR Builds approached me for an interview. Their dedication to building an online presence around woodworking resonated with my passion for the craft. Our conversation was enlightening for their audience and a reflective moment for…

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Burwash Manor Hosts The Bodgers’ Ball

Burwash Manor, a collection of converted farm buildings in the picturesque village of Barton near Cambridge, will host this year’s Bodgers Ball from the 5th to the 8th of May. The event celebrates traditional woodworking techniques, mainly green woodworking, and brings together woodworkers and artisans worldwide. What Can Visitors Expect? Visitors to the event can…

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Preserving Cultural Heritage: The Importance of Supporting Traditional Crafts

Traditional crafts have been an integral part of human culture for centuries. From bowl-turning to textiles, these art forms have not only served practical purposes but also played a significant role in shaping cultural identity and preserving heritage. In recent years, however, traditional crafts have faced increasing threats, including competition from mass-produced goods and a…

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The benefits of teaching bowl-turning on a pole lathe

Teaching greenwood bowl-turning is a new venture for me and is something I have only recently started offering. It is surprising just how much I have enjoyed the experience. I am finding satisfaction in passing on my knowledge to the next generation of bowl turners and enabling more people to get a taste for this…

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Jon Baily introduces pole-lathe turning to Beds & Herts Woodturners

pole-lathe turner

A common characteristic of many people in the greenwood working community is the willingness to share skills. I’m no different. I have enjoyed teaching traditional bowl turning to individuals and small groups of people using a pole-lathe. In November, I was invited by the Beds and Herts Woodturners group to demonstrate pole-lathe turning to its…

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